Tough love for a discouraged follower

I received an email from a follower who wrote:

“Can you tell me what works quickly and brings in money? I don’t have time or money to come to your workshops. Too old, too tired, and run down. There has to be an easy, better way.”

That is a beaten man who has probably fallen prey to countless gurus’ hollow promises of great riches with no work. So let me set the record straight:

The holy grail you’re searching for does not exist.

EVERY successful person I know works their tail off. But here’s the paradox:

Many financially unsuccessful people work hard on their jobs but are not hard on themselves and, therefore, struggle financially.

You MUST find time to read, study, and then take massive action and keep doing those things to achieve success. There are no shortcuts or magic pills you can take.

Here’s what is exciting, though:

It is never too late to start. You are not too old. You can start a journey to a new life TODAY. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or the day before. You can set your sail in a new direction TODAY.

Will it be easy? No, but the alternative is to give up and live in misery. Decide that you’ve had enough and get moving TODAY.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “I Believe In You” Dee






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