Pulling out my eyeball

The other night, I had a problem.

I was getting ready for bed and taking my contacts out. The right came out immediately, but the left wouldn’t budge. I kept trying and trying. I even called in the amazing Ms. Kalia to give it a shot. No go. Kalia suggested that maybe it wasn’t actually in my eye. So I went to sleep.

When I woke up, my eye was red and sore. Was it because I slept with the contact in, or was I digging my fingers into my eye the night before?

I called the eye doctor, who is closed over the weekend, and he gave me some prescription drops and told me to leave my eye alone and come in on Monday.

So, I did; alas, no contact was found.

Was it ever in there? Did it fall out?

That will remain a mystery.

As entrepreneurs, we often get stuck. A typical response is to attack the problem and dig at it, trying to find a solution. Often, we get frustrated because we can’t figure it out.

In truth, we should be looking for someone who has already figured out the problem and can easily fix it. Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, calls it looking for a “who,” not a “how.”

Had I called the doctor before trying my “surgery,” I would have been more relaxed and less irritated (metaphorically and literally.)

What “who” do you need to handle the “how” you’re struggling with?

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Eye Is Fine” Dee

P.S. On Wednesday at Noon ET, I’m doing a live training about attracting more clients with micro-webinars.

If you sell professional services and want to attract more ideal clients, this might be what you’re looking for.

And if you already have an email list of unconverted leads, you have a treasure chest hidden in your business.

I have a step-by-step process that’s producing some pretty amazing results.

I’d love to share the model with you and details about a new group I’m starting, where I’ll work with you one-on-one to create an automated micro webinar funnel that’ll attract new clients and turn your current leads into appointments.

To learn the model and get the details about the new group, join me on Wednesday at Noon ET. Save your spot here.







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