It would be comical if it weren’t so sad.

Business owners, mostly the artsy type or the service professional, say, “I want to increase my business, but I don’t want to be a salesperson.”


Everything is selling, and the profitability of your business, regardless of what business you are in, is based on your ability to sell.

When I taught marketing to magicians many moons ago, I laughed when they told me their marketing wasn’t working. Then, when I would probe further, I’d discover that they were generating a ton of qualified leads but then not closing the sale.

If you want to improve your profits dramatically, start studying selling and get everyone on your team to do the same. Remember, everyone is selling…all the time!

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave Dee

P.S. On Wednesday at Noon ET, I’m doing a live training about attracting more clients with micro-webinars.

If you sell professional services and want to attract more ideal clients, this might be what you’re looking for.

And if you already have an email list of unconverted leads, you have a treasure chest hidden in your business.

I have a step-by-step process that’s producing some pretty amazing results.

I’d love to share the model with you and details about a new group I’m starting, where I’ll work with you one-on-one to create an automated micro webinar funnel that’ll attract new clients and turn your current leads into appointments.

To learn the model and get the details about the new group, join me on Wednesday at Noon ET. Save your spot here.






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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