Increase Your Profits In A Recession…

If you watch the news or read the newspapers, you would think that the economy is collapsing, Yes, the stock market has taken a tumble but it is not all gloom and doom.

Still, a recession might be on the horizon but you need not panic…you simply need to prepare.

In my quest to make this the best damn business growth blog on the planet, over the next 4 days, I am going to teach you 4 strategies for “How To Increase Your Profits In A Recession.”

Recession Profit Booster #1:
Why marketing gives you the biggest bang for your buck.

If you use direct response marketing correctly, it will be your biggest profit building tool.

Think about this for a minute: If you invest in real estate, you might get a 20% -30% return if you are lucky. The stock market? 10% -15% is considered very good.

A great direct response marketing piece can bring a return of 1000% or more within just a few days! That is not an exaggeration! Marketing is the easiest way to make more money with your business.

Read what I’m about to tell you very carefully and let it sink in:

Let’s say you are paying $500 a week for an advertisement and it brings you five new customers on a weekly basis. For the fun of it, let’s also say you make a $300 profit per customer. This means your profit is $1,000 (you invested $500 and brought in $1,500). Pretty good! Congratulations.

Now, let’s say you make a simple change to the headline of your ad and that simple change brings in three additional customers for a total of eight new customers per week. Now you have made $2,400 in gross sales. Let me ask you this, how much more did your advertisement cost you? If you answered “nothing”, you are correct. The ad costs the same whether it is good or bad. You can dramatically increase your profits with the same investment!

That is called leverage, mi amigo. And you can get that type of leverage in your business…guaranteed. All you need to do is keep testing and track your results. Do that and the money will start rolling in.

Kick butt, make mucho dee-nero!

Dave Dee

P.S. Tomorrow you will discover secret #2 to increasing your profits in a recession. It is a doozy!

PPS: Wanna have great direct response marketing done for you, without having to do it yourself and without having to spend a fortune? You can! Get “Your Marketing Department In A Box” today!






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