Closing big ticket sales is easy if you do this

Top of the cold morning to ya.

I live in Atlanta, and I shouldn’t have to write that.

But alas, unlike the U.S. government, Dave Dee, Inc. is operating at full capacity.

So grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa and cozy on up to your device, and let Dr. Dee share some wisdom that will warm your heart.

Yesterday, I closed yet another big-ticket sale via a 30-minute Zoom meeting. Typically, I’m only on for 15 minutes, but the dude I was talking to was cool, and I was interested in the stuff he taught. (NLP, hypnosis, etc.)

My closing percentage recently on these Zoom sessions is 100%. Want to know how I do it?

One word: Preframing.

My new Private Client explained it perfectly during our call when he said, “I was already pre-sold on working with you.”

The folks I do the Zoom sessions are sold on working with me before they talk to me. I don’t need to use any “ninja” sales techniques. We have a conversation and see if it makes sense for us to work together.

My pre-framing strategy is simple, and it starts with my daily “DEEmail” like the one you’re reading now. If you aren’t sending an email to the DEEmail way every day, you’re missing the boat.

Your pre-framing strategy could be to send out a shock and awe kit in the mail BEFORE the prospect meets with you.

It could be that they’re required to watch a video or series of videos before they meet with you. By the way, I would make watching the video(s) a prerequisite before they can even schedule an appointment.

The bottom line is you want your leads pre-qualified and pre-sold before you ever meet with them.

That does not mean that you don’t have to sell when you do talk with your prospect. You do, just not in the traditional “hardcore” sense. There is NO PRESSURE at all.

Give some thought about how you can pre-frame your prospects. It makes all the difference in the world.

Okay, it’s time for me to get another cup of espresso and warm up a bit more.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Weather Man” Dee

P.S. If you are a professional services provider, consultant, or information marketer who wants to take their sales and profits to the next level, the place to start is by getting my “7 Figure Sales Presentation Template.” It’s free here.






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