During a call on Monday, one of my members joked about rushing to get ready for the webinars he does.
Been there, done that too many times to count. Not smart.
I rushed to write Tuesday’s DEEmails and forgot to check it for typos and grammar mistakes. I was appalled when it landed in my inbox this morning.
My most egregious story about rushing was in my magic days when I rushed out of my house to get to a gig and didn’t realize I left my entire show in a case back at my home.
Whenever you speak to sell onstage or online, you must give yourself enough time to run through your tech checks and mentally prepare.
You should have some “ritual” before you present that gets you into the proper state so you perform at your peak level.
Do that, and you’ll be more persuasive and close more sales.
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave “No Rushing Allowed” Dee
P.S. Next month, I’m doing a small group Speak To Sell workshop in Naples, FL.
We’ll spend 3-days, in person, in a small group, creating a world-class presentation to amplify your influence and dramatically increase your sales onstage or online.
Would you like to join us?
Just email me at dave@davedee.com and put “NAPLES” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details.