Want more referrals, kemosabe?

My guess is you would love to get more referral business. Who the heck wouldn’t?

Referred prospects are semi-pre-sold on you, and because of that, they are easier to close. And, depending on the status of the person who referred, closing the sale is almost a slam dunkFor example, if one of Dr. Dee’s trusted advisors recommends I work with someone, that endorsement carries more weight than a mere acquaintance. If a fellow foodie tells me that a particular restaurant will blow my mind, you can bet your bippy I’m going there. As opposed to a restaurant recommendation, I get from someone who thinks Olive Garden serves good Italian food.

We interrupt this program for an important public service announcement: “If you eat at Olive Garden, please stop and visit a local Italian place. If you do that, I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you. I will find you, and I will kill you.” Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Let’s assume you do an excellent job for your clients. The question is, why aren’t they referring more people to you?

The answer is simple: You are currently getting referrals by chance and not by design.

We’ll be tackling that issue head-on at our first annual S3 Summit happening in October (Details coming soon.), but for now, let’s talk about what not to do when asking for referrals.

  1. Do NOT bribe your clients with a gift. That is often counter-productive. It’s fine to send a thank you note and gift after you get a referral.
  2. Do NOT follow the procedure the old-time sales trainers teach where you give some lame, canned speech about how your business is built on referrals.
  3. Do NOT, as some sales trainers teach, try and make your clients call people on the spot to refer you.

Yes, you want to ask for referrals. However, you want to be cool about it and do it in such a way that it makes your clients feel good about themselves and about recommending people to you.

In the Dave Inner Sanctum VIP masterclass, I’m releasing on Sunday, I give you a simple method for doing it, and give you “something special” so you implement this strategy immediately. (Okay, it will probably take you 20 minutes from the time you hear it to when you use it. So I guess that’s not immediately.) And that is just one of the profit-producing strategies you’ll discover in what might be the most unique masterclass I’ve created to date.

The only way to access this masterclass is to become a VIP before Saturday. Here’s the link:


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Liam Neeson” Dee







Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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