This isn’t right!

Earlier this week, Karen and I awoke at 4:00 AM to hollowing winds that were so loud, it sounded like a tornado was approaching. We got out of bed to look outside, and what did our wondering eyes see?


Damn, snow.

In Atlanta!

That isn’t right! It should not be snowing in Atlanta. I moved here over two decades ago to escape the snow in New England.

After cranking up the heat, Karen and I slipped back into bed, took out our iPhones, and did one of our favorite things – we checked out the weather in Marco Island, Florida, where we are building a new home. It was 74 degrees.

We drifted back to sleep smiling, knowing that we would be in Marco next year at this time.

I was brought back to reality when I awoke again to winds and ice in the morning.

Did I mention that’s not the way it should be?

The fact is it doesn’t matter what I think reality should be. Reality is reality, and it doesn’t care whether or not I like it.

Many entrepreneurs have trouble coming to grips with “reality.” They think, “I’m really good at what I do. In fact, I’m better than the guy down the street. It’s not fair that he is doing better than I am!”

Living legend Dan Kennedy said the following that changed my life, “It’s more important to be a master marketer than it is to be a master of your craft.”

No, that’s not an easy concept to accept. It’s probably not “fair.” In a perfect world, the best person at delivering their service should be the most successful, but that’s not reality.

I challenge you to focus more on becoming a master of sales and marketing in 2022. I promise that if you do that, you’ll have a more profitable year than you will otherwise.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Don’t Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow” Dee

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