The day I was a huge dumbass

This is an ugly true story…

As a new performer three decades ago, I learned a lesson about preparation the hard way many years ago. I didn’t have checked lists, a set way to prepare before my show, a specific way I wanted my stage set up – nothing.

One day I was running late and rushing around to get to a gig; I got in my car and sped off. When I arrived, I was relieved and also had a sense of smug satisfaction because I had arrived on time until I opened the trunk of my car to get my props and, to my horror, discovered…

There were none! I had left my entire show at home!

I had to have my then-pregnant wife get my props and bring them to me. And I had to explain to the people who hired me that the show would start late.

Talk about feeling like a dumbass.

It was then I discovered the power of preparation. From that point forward, I became maniacally organized and developed systems for every aspect of preparing for a presentation. Today, my systems and preparation are even more precise.

It doesn’t matter if the presentation is in front of a live group of people or from the comfort of my home doing a webinar or teleseminar. Like a pilot, I have checklists and rituals I go through EVERY TIME.

Doing this frees my mind, removes stress, and allows me to concentrate on my PERFORMANCE.

I am confident because I am in total control, and this confidence translates into personal power, which my audience (again, that word is used intentionally) can feel.

A powerful, confident presenter closes more sales.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Prepare” Dee

PS: I have a small group workshop starting Monday… … We’ll spend six weeks creating a complete evergreen client attraction machine with a one-to-many sales presentation at its engine.

Would you like to join us?

Just send me an email to and put “One-To-Many” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details 🙂






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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