Part 2: Phone Seduction Secrets

Today, I will share a cool technique that will keep you at the forefront of your prospect’s mind and leapfrog you ahead of any competition you might have.

Yesterday, we left with your fearless leader, having qualified the woman on the phone and setting up our first date. (By the way, I never asked for a date. I assumed the “sale.”) Now, I wanted my “prospect” to be thinking about me and greatly anticipating our time together, so I used what I called the “George Washington” technique.

I found anything to make a dollar bet with the woman I had on the phone. For example, with Kalia, I bet her that the Dolphins would be the Jets this coming Sunday. (During our conversation, I discovered she was from New York.)

Whatever the bet was about, the deal was the same. “If I win, you need to write on the dollar bill, ‘Dave, you were right as always.” To which the woman would always ask, “Well, what if I win?”

My tongue-in-cheek response was, “If you win, and I like you, I’ll kiss you.” Yep, yours truly said that. I ALWAYS got a positive response from this. Remember, I had built up a tremendous rapport at this point.

The woman would always laugh and then give me one of three responses. Regardless of how she replied, I would say, “Okay, in the highly unlikely event you win, I’ll write that you were correct on the dollar.”

Let’s analyze this little bit of sales psychology.

First, I did something none of my “competitors” did, making me stand out.

Second, I built anticipation for the “meeting” with a bit of intrigue.

Third, this led my “prospect” to think about me until our meeting.

Now, I am NOT saying you should make a dollar bet with your prospect. And I highly discourage you from using the “kiss” line.:) But think about this:

What can you say during your initial contact with your prospect that will add intrigue and have them looking forward to your next communication with positive anticipation?

Here is a starting point for you, “Mr. Prospect, when we get together, I will show you something pretty amazing that will help you (Insert whatever solution they are looking for.)

In the March issue of the Inner Sanctum member’s only “Sales Arcana” print newsletter, I do a deep-dive into turning incoming calls into appointments. This newsletter covers how to quickly increase your revenues by giving you everything you need to know and easily fix the blind spots in how your team handles inbound phone calls.

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Dave “The Bet” Dee

P.S. I hoped that I LOST the bet and had to give the woman a dollar bill because then she would go home and KEEP it. They all kept it. Me? Oh, I spent the dollars I won. It wasn’t pretty when Kalia found out I spent the dollar she gave me. But that’s another story for another day. 🙂

P.S. #2: Creating nearly instant rapport when prospective clients call your office is crucial. In the upcoming newsletter, I will teach you how to do it quickly. When I say you get everything your need to train yourself or your team to handle inbound calls better, I mean it.






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