Good News For Little Tiny Human-Like People

There is some good news on the horizon for some of the hardest working beings on the planet. Of course, I’m talking about Santa’s elves.

These worker-bees must be TIRED and now are working overtime to get things done to meet their big deadline.

From what I’ve seen from “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,”  insider footage, they are work with a smile and without complaint. Well, except for one:


You see, Hermey doesn’t want to work in the factory doing manual labor. Nope. Hermey wants to be a dentist. When he tells his co-workers and the sweatshop foreman elf, they all laugh at him and ridicule him.

Hermey has big dreams, and in his spare time, he is studying. You see him reading books on dentistry and then taking action to make his dreams come true.

Ole Hermey can teach us a lot about passion, following our dreams, investing time and money in our education, taking action, not listening to the naysayers and creating the life we really want.

Maybe your dream isn’t to be a dentist or maybe you are a dentist, but is your business designed precisely like you want it to be? Are there changes that you’ve wanted to make?  Do you have another company you want to start, maybe as a side profit center?

What changes are you going to make in 2019?

Learn from all the elves who take massive action and work hard to get the job done but model Hermey and go for it despite what others might think.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “You Go Hermey” Dee

P.S. A whole bunch of folks have been asking about whether I have a coaching group. If you’re an info-marketer, coach or consultant, I’ve got some exciting news for you coming after the holidays. Stay-tuned!






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