I’ve had a blast writing this series of “eternal truths” emails, and I’m confident you got a lot of value from them. If you did, and you want to go deeper, then reserve your sweet-self a spot for the live masterclass I’m doing on Monday at 2:00 PM ET.
During this masterclass that I only do once a month, you’ll discover how you can put everything together to create a lead generation and sales machine.
Today, let’s talk about lead generation.
As I mentioned in a previous episode, only 3% of your potential prospects are ready to buy now. The strange thing is that most marketing targets only this small group of prospects while leaving the vast majority out in the cold.
In almost all of your marketing, you want a “secondary reason for response.” In addition to “call my office,” or “buy my stuff, man” you want to give people the option of getting more information by giving you their contact info. Doing that allows you to capture leads for follow-up.
The information, also known as a “lead magnet,” should accomplish the following:
- Position you as the go-to expert.
- Pre-sell you and your services.
- Create a desire for your prospect to take the next step in your sales process.
- Sell the prospect on taking the next step in your sales process.
If your lead magnet accomplishes that, you will have a highly-qualified prospect to talk to who is pre-disposed to buy from you.
The eternal truth that most business owners miss when it comes to lead generation is that the lead magnet is a sales mechanism, not just free information.
Your free information should provide a lot of value, for sure. BUT, it also needs to sell your prospect of taking further action.
So, how many of the eternal truths we covered this week are you living?
Congratulate yourself for the truths you’re following. Then take a look at the ones you aren’t and ask yourself, “Which one of these would make the greatest impact on my business?” And start taking action to implement it.
Dave “Better Than Game Of Thrones” Dee
P.S. Remember if you’d like to install a complete lead generation and conversion system in your business, join me on Monday for the live webinar. I’ll be going over it in detail and discussing how we can create it together. Here’s the link to register: