Dan Kennedy couldn’t understand this.

One of my most influential mentors is living legend Dan Kennedy. I am fortunate to know him personally and have done a lot of work with him. (We’ve sold millions of dollars worth of stuff together.)

One day before one of the one-day launches I created at GKIC, Dan and I talked in the green room. He asked me what I was doing over the weekend. I told him I was going to a Rod Stewart concert. (Rod is my all-time favorite performer whom I’ve seen over 30 times.) Dan asked, “He is still performing?” I assured him he was, and then Dan asked, “But why? He doesn’t need the money, does he?” I told him that Rod has a net worth of 300 million dollars, so he’s doing okay financially, and that he keeps getting onstage because it is what he loves to do. Dan grunted and started looking over our script.

During a webinar the other day, I asked the attendees if they truly loved what they did. Nearly 100% of the audience responded that they did, with a handful of people answering, “most of the time.” Then I asked how many of them loved selling? As you might guess, I received far less of an enthusiastic response.

And that’s a significant problem because selling generates the clients for you to work with. So if you don’t like selling, you don’t like one of the most important parts of your business.

If you don’t like selling, the question is, why?

Part of the answer is how you think about selling and your beliefs about being a salesperson. Imagine you could change your thoughts, so you enjoyed sales. That alone would instantly make you better at it, getting more clients. Additionally, you would naturally start enjoying your business even more.

While changing your beliefs about selling is just one of the things we’ll be doing during Monday’s Inner Sanctum VIP-only masterclass, “SALES THINK: How To Close More Sales By Upgrading Your Inner Game,” it’s a powerful one.

If you’re not an Inner Sanctum VIP and you’re ready to increase your sales and profits month over month, here’s where to join us:


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Love What You Do” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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