U2 is right, but this is deadly to your business.

I’m not the biggest U2 fan in the world, but I like their song “One.”

Here are some of the lyrics.

One love, one blood

One life, you have to do what you should

One life with each other

Sisters, brothers

That is true, but having “one” of almost anything in your business is deadly. One key employee, one method to generate leads, one service you offer, etc., can lead to disaster.

Legendary marketer Jay Abraham illustrates that with his diving board/Greek Parthenon analogy. If you only have one pillar holding up your business, whether that pillar is one lead generation source, one revenue stream, etc., your profits will constantly increase. And if that one pillar goes away, your business will collapse. On the other hand, if your business is like the Greek Parthenon with multiple pillars, it has a strong foundation. So, even if one of the pillars crumbles, you’ll be fine.

I’m often asked, “What should I use as a lead generation magnet? Should it be a report, book, video, etc.?” I always answer “yes’ because you need more than one lead magnet. But, some are more effective than others, and all should have the same fundamental elements.

Should you choose to accept it, your assignment is to look at your business and determine if there is a dangerous “one” of anything inside it.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave Dee






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