Your Secret Appointment Getting Weapon

They’re like the Swiss Army knife of lead generation—super versatile, and when used right, they can get prospects to practically beg to book an appointment with you.

I’m talking about…


But here’s the thing: most people don’t know how to use them to their full potential. So today, because I a prince among men, here are few simple tips to turn your webinars into client-generating machines.

Tip #1: Solve ONE big problem

Don’t try to cram everything you know into one webinar. Focus on solving a single, specific problem your prospects are facing right now. Example: “How to Save Thousands in Taxes Before the Year Ends” (financial advisor). This keeps your webinar laser-focused and valuable.

Tip #2: Ditch the hard sell

Nobody likes feeling like they’re in a pitch fest. Instead of pushing a sale, spend your webinar showing off your expertise and genuinely helping your prospects. By the time you casually mention, “If you’d like more personalized help, we can schedule a quick call,” they’ll be ready to book.

Tip #3: End with an irresistible call to action

After delivering value, invite them to take the next step. This could be a free consultation where you dive deeper into their situation and how you can help. Make it clear that this is the logical next step, not just another sales pitch.

Bonus Tip: Follow up like a pro

Don’t just stop after the webinar. Follow up with an email sequence that reminds them of the value you provided and why scheduling a consultation with you is the smartest move they can make.

Webinars give you the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and sell groups of prospects. They’re your golden opportunity to guide prospects into conversations where you can help them one-on-one.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Webinar Marketing ROCKS’ DEE

P.S. If you want actionable tips on getting more appointments with quality leads, Join my 5-minute Daily DEEmail list and get a free digital copy of my premium print newsletter.






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