Your ONLY Competitive Advantage

Unless you offer a unique service, your only significant competitive advantage is…


You can get better at your service delivery, but at some point, getting better at that isn’t a competitive advantage, nor will it help you sell more.

What bothers many people is that the “best” (name the category) usually isn’t the most successful. That might not be “fair,” but it’s reality.

The most successful person in any market is because of who they are and not just what they do.

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to someone who wanted to join my Elite Mastermind program. I asked him why he wanted to be part of it. His answer was instructive. He said he knew I had helped one of his mentors, heard my name come up in his industry forum, and that I “was the man.”

Naturally, he had deeper reasons, and we talked about those, but he wanted to join my mastermind instead of someone else’s because of who I am.

It’s the same in your business.

When you start marketing yourself instead of just what you do and become known as “the man” or “the woman,” getting new clients with less price resistance becomes easier because the clients want to work with you.

I’m often asked, “What if I want associates in my professional practice to do the work and not myself?” In that scenario, you should still be your business’s “face” and personality.

Take, for example, the behemoth personal injury law firm “Morgan & Morgan.” The founder, John Morgan, is in nearly every one of their commercials. He is the personality marketing of his firm. Very few people expect that John will work on their case.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Sell Yourself” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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