Why Would You Choose THAT Seat?

Kalia and I had an impromptu date night on Monday. It started with seeing the chick flick “It Ends With Us.”

We settled into the nearly empty theater armed with my large bucket of popcorn and her package of Red Vines. (Why she chooses Red Vines over Twizzlers is a mystery.)

Right before the movie starts, another couple with no movie treats in hand (yet another mystery) walks down our row, looking for their row, and plunks down next to me. There were open seats everywhere the eye could see.

Some might think, “What’s the big deal?” And for those people, it doesn’t matter. But it does matter for someone like me who is not a people person and likes his space.

It’s similar to a one-on-one sales situation. When talking to prospects, you must discover what’s important and what matters to them. Often, the salesperson assumes they know what the prospect wants or projects what they think is important to the prospect.

Take, for example, the couple that sat next to us. They might have been social people, saw another couple around their age at the same movie they were going to, and thought it would be fun to sit next to them and strike up a conversation. For me, that’s a horror show.

To start closing more sales, find out what’s important to the prospect on a deep level and then talk only about what they want and desire.

Speaking of selling more…

Check out this badass video, in which I reveal how to use hypnotic language patterns to sell more of your services.


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Movie Was Okay” Dee






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