Why Snoring Is Costing You Appointments

Ever sit through a business presentation so dry that you start wondering how long it would take to crawl out the window without anyone noticing? Yeah, that’s the feeling your prospects get when they open a boring, technical email from you.

If your emails are filled with facts, stats, and industry jargon, you’ll lose readers before they reach your call to action.

Here’s the truth: People don’t want to read a textbook—they want to be engaged, entertained and informed all at once. Infotaining emails are your secret weapon to converting more leads into appointments.

Think about it: Would you rather read something that feels like homework or an email that gives you a great tip while making you smile? Your prospects are the same. They need to see you as real—not just another generic service provider.

Your action step? Start sending weekly infotaining emails.

Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Keep it conversational: Imagine you’re talking to a friend over coffee. Ditch formal language and use your natural voice. Don’t write it in your email if you’d never say it out loud.
  • Weave in personal stories: Got a funny story from last week? A lesson you learned? Throw it in there! Even something as simple as “I burnt my toast this morning” can make your email more relatable.
  • Deliver value: Every email should have an actionable tip or insight your prospects can use immediately.

Example: Let’s say you’re a financial advisor. Instead of a dry email titled “How to Maximize Your Retirement Plan,” try something like “What My Dog Taught Me About Retirement Planning (Yes, Really).” Then, tie it back to a valuable financial tip.

The goal? Keep them reading until the end, when you make an offer to apply for a consultation with you. Fun and useful beats dry and boring every time. The more they enjoy your emails, the more likely they will book that appointment.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Let’s Be Infotaining” Dee

P.S. If you want actionable tips on getting more appointments with quality leads, Join my 5-minute Daily DEEmail list and get a free digital copy of my premium print newsletter. www.davedee.com






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