Where’s the beef?

Do you remember that classic Wendy’s commercial where Clara Peller went through fast food drive-throughs and angrily asked where the beef was on the burgers?

I had a similar experience in LA last week at a restaurant when I ordered a salad with “Italian meats and cheeses.”

The salad arrived, and I tried as I could, but I couldn’t find the meat or cheese. I asked my waitress, and after telling me it was under the lettuce and doing a check for herself, she confirmed that the kitchen didn’t include the meats or cheeses.

The new salad quickly arrived, and once again, I couldn’t see the meats or cheese, but this time, I knew where to look! I carefully lifted the lettuce and, to my disappointment, found the Italian meat and cheese.

While the menu clearly said meats and cheeses, there were four small pieces of square cheese (think the pre-packaged slices you buy at the supermarket) and four small pieces of salami. One meat, one cheese, and in tiny portions was not quite what I was envisioning, nor what the menu said. (I ordered a side of meatballs and sausages to get my meat fix.)

A key to closing the sale and having happy clients is to set the proper expectations.

For example, I work with several tax resolution specialists. Every one of their prospects wants their tax liability reduced or eliminated.

Unfortunately, that’s not the reality for most. If the business owner promises or even implies that will happen, as many of the national firms do, they will make the sale but end up with a disgruntled client.

The true professional tells the prospect the truth from the jump. If the prospect doesn’t like what they hear, they can hire someone else.

When people come to Florida for a private consulting day to create a presentation, I let them know that there’s no guarantee that the presentation we design will be a home run but that working with me will absolutely give them their best chance for success. Prospects who need a guarantee don’t come. The sophisticated ones get it, and we work together.

Best we promise less and deliver more.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Still Hungry” Dee






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