What I despise with a passion…

Let me tell you what I despise with a passion…

“Hypey” salespeople and, more specifically, hypey platform salespeople.

You know the character I’m talking about. He tries to get the crowd all pumped up by asking inane questions that force the audience to answer in the affirmative. Or the guy that stands on the chair in the back to continue pitching. Or worse, the guy who continues selling in the hallway during another speaker’s presentation.

That kind of stuff makes me want to barf, and it gives our work a very used car salesman-type feel.

“Yes, Dave, but I’ve seen a lot of platform salespeople do that, and it sure looks like they’re selling a bunch of stuff,” you might say. The techniques indeed work in some sales situations.

The question is, do you want to be that guy?

The other problem is that the “hypey” dude often gets a ton of returns. Sure, you can get your audience all riled up and manipulate them into buying, but what happens when the hype wears off? Returns come pouring in.

But beyond that, it comes down to who you want to be.

What if you could get amazing results without looking like a clown or a snake-oil salesman? Why wouldn’t you want that?

Well, mi amigo, that’s exactly what I teach in my soon-to-be-released Presentation Mastery course. You’re going to dig it. Stay tuned.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “No Hype” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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