What Could Be Killing Your Lead Gen

Quick quiz:

What’s the fastest way to kill a lead generation campaign?




The answer is to slap on a boring, generic title to your lead magnet. You could have the greatest content in the world, but if your title doesn’t grab attention, it’s like hosting a party and forgetting to send out the invitations.

It’s the first thing prospects see, and if it doesn’t make them stop and think, “Hey, I need that,” they’ll scroll right past you.

Your action step? Spend more time crafting your title and picking a topic that hits home.

Here’s why:

  • Your title is the hook: It’s what grabs your prospect’s attention. If it’s weak, they’ll never stick around long enough to see what you’re offering.
  • The topic has to be laser-focused: Generic titles like “How to Save Money On Taxes” are snooze-worthy. But “Three Secrets The Government’s Greedy Little Hands Out Of Your Pocket At Tax Time”? Now you’re talking. You’ve got to hit them where it hurts (or where they dream) and be specific.

Think about the last report, webinar, or guide you created. Did the title make people stop in their tracks? Or did it sound like everything else out there?

So next time you’re working on a lead magnet or presentation, remember this: your title is doing the heavy lifting. Make it specific, make it enticing, and make it impossible to ignore.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Quiz Master” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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