Walking on a glacier

Yesterday, we took a helicopter ride to a glacier and then did a 2.5-hour trek. It was one of the coolest things I’ve done. (If you’ve never drank fresh glacier water, I recommend you put it on your bucket list.)

When we saw glaciers from a boat, they looked awesome, but being on top of one gave me an entirely new perspective. I saw, felt, and experienced things I wouldn’t have thought about from just looking at it.

Our guide pointed out different things we wouldn’t have noticed. He taught us things we wouldn’t have learned on our own.

When was the last time you stepped away from your business and looked at it from a different perspective?

When was the last time you worked with a “guide” to help you see things in your business that you’re blind to? What aspects of your business could you change, eliminate, or add to increase your profit and have you work less?

“Guides,” “mentors,” “coaches,” “consultants’ or whatever you want to call them have been mission critical to my success.

I encourage you to find one and work with them.

If you feel that I might be that person, I’d be honored to talk to you about it and see if we’re a good fit.

Just reply to this email, and we’ll set up a time to talk when I get back from Alaska next week.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Glacier Climber” Dee






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