The winner of the stairway race competition is…

Kalia and I might be a tab bit “off.”

During our luxury cruise, we would race each other on the stairs to see who would reach our floor first. The winner would do a Rocky-like dance at the top.

If that wasn’t strange enough, we created rules as the cruise progressed.

If that wasn’t odd enough, we told cruise members including the captain, about our races. (We wondered if they would let us book another cruise with them. Fortunately the answer was yes.)

We had so much fun and were being ourselves.

The majority of business owners don’t put personality into their marketing and let their prospects or clients know who they are. They are too “professional,” and as a result, they look and sound like their competitors.

The same thing goes for fun or lack thereof.

Even the most serious of presentations can have fun elements added to them. I’d argue that the more serious the topic, the more important it is to add a sprinkling of light-hearted fun.

I encourage you to be yourself, let your personality shine through, and inject some fun into what you do.

I’d make a bet that doing so will increase your sales and profits.

By the way, Kalia claimed the crown of the inaugural stairway race competition, although I’m appealing the decision because I think she cheated.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Run Forrest Run” Dee






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