The True Story Of Ms. Professional

Early in my coaching career, I landed a high-end client who paid me a substantial fee to help her grow her law practice.

We’ll refer to her as “Ms. Professional.”

She was investing money to generate leads and, smartly, emailing her list weekly.

The problem was that leads weren’t scheduling appointments.

We were eating dinner at a vegan Chinese restaurant. (I was a vegan back in the day but have since fixed that problem.) I asked to see the current email she sent to her leads list.

It was god-awful, filled with legal gobbledygook that I can’t imagine any of her leads care about.

I had her write an infotaining email about the vegan Chinese meal she was eating and tie it into estate planning. To her credit, the email was excellent. But when I told her to send it to her list the next day, she balked.

“I’m an attorney! I can’t send something like that,” she protested.

I insisted, and Ms. Professional sent it to her list the next day.

She got an immediate response from a pissed-off lead who told her that her email was stupid and asked her to remove him from the list.

The next reply shortly thereafter, “I loved your email. It made me laugh out loud! It’s so good to hear from you. I haven’t heard from you for a long time.” (Remember that she emailed her leads list weekly.)

Another reply came in, “I requested information a couple of years ago, and now I’m ready to get my estate plan.”


A 5K sale.

The point of today’s DEEmail isn’t just to write infotaining emails, although that is key. It’s that there’s gold in your current list of leads that you just need to mine.

You do that by DEEsigning a comprehensive marketing campaign aimed at the leads you already have.

To discover more about my paid “Inner Sanctum Sales & Marketing Letter,” go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “There’s Gold In Them Thar Lists” Dee






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