The Most Arrogant Thing I’ve Heard In A While

This dude with many credentials after his name said, “I didn’t get my degree to become a salesman.”

Say what, dude?

And this guy is struggling and jealous of a more successful competitor who “doesn’t have the same level of knowledge or expertise” as our arrogant friend.

Did I try convincing him that he would make much more DEEnero if he changed his thinking?

Not on your life, sweet cheeks.

Why would I waste my time?

I’m not in the business of convincing anyone of anything.

Nor should you be.

If someone who is a lead makes it through your filtering process, meets with you, and is skeptical about you or your service, your job isn’t to change their mind and “convince” them to work with you.

Your role is to discover their problem, question them so they understand the consequences of not solving it, and determine if they’re ready to take action and solve it. If they say yes, you present your solution

If they’re a total ass, don’t even do that; just politely show them the door.

Now, if you’re like the dude I wrote about earlier and think you’re “above selling,” then you’re subscribed to the wrong email list.

To discover more about my paid “Inner Sanctum Sales & Marketing Letter,” go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero

Dave “Not Above Selling” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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