Here’s a hard truth: You can have the best marketing, the most compelling offer, and a killer sales process… but if your phone isn’t answered properly, you’re losing clients before they even get started.
I can’t tell you how many businesses unknowingly repel great prospects just because the first voice they hear is disinterested, rushed, or (worse) downright rude.
Or—brace yourself—because the call goes to voicemail, and the prospect never bothers leaving a message.
Sunday Tip: Mystery Shop Yourself
Call your office (or have a friend do it) and see what happens. Does the phone get answered quickly? Is the person warm, professional, and helpful? Do they confidently guide the caller to the next step? Are they following your phone script?
If the experience isn’t top-notch, it’s costing you business.
A small tweak to how calls are answered can make a huge difference in how many leads turn into actual clients.
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave “Sunday Sales Saver” Dee