So you say you want more clients?

As you know, having a signature one-to-many sales presentation for in-person delivery or online with a webinar is one of the fastest and best ways to make that happen.

So in the next few DEEmails, your fearless leader will show you what you need to create a talk that converts like crazy.

Let’s start with the opening of your presentation.

First, your presentation needs a benefit-oriented title and topic that appeals to your target audience. Without that, it doesn’t matter how good your content is because you won’t have many people signing up to watch your presentation. Your title should make a big promise that appeals to your audience.

You then welcome your audience by saying, “Welcome to [your title],” you want to expand on the promise with more specific oriented outcomes your audience will get from listening to you.

Then you want to let your audience know that they’re in the right place, that your presentation is for them, and that you understand them. You do that by describing who your audience is and the problems and concerns they have. Example: “This is for you if you’re a financial advisor and you’re frustrated with the money you’re making and maybe have even said to yourself and your spouse, ‘I am really GOOD! If I could only get more clients, I’d be fine!”

Next, you paint a vivid mental picture of how wonderful your audience’s life could be if they had in place the solution you provide. That is called “future pacing” and should get the audience excited about listening carefully to what you’re about to tell them.

Finally, get your audience to understand that you are the expert and authority in your market regarding your service. You accomplish this by telling your origin story about why you decided to do what you do, through social proof elements, including books you’ve written, television shows you’ve been on, etc., and through the use of testimonials that prove that you get results. (If you can’t use results-based testimonials because of compliance issues, you’ll use testimonials about your character and how easy you are to work with.)

Your opening should be about ten minutes long and prime your audience to pay close attention to the content section of your presentation.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Part 1 of the client getting mini-course” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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