“Shut The Front Door”

You know what “swear” phrase that bit of urban slang takes the place of, right?

Thought so.

But more importantly than shutting the front door on your lead capture website, you want to shut the back door because that’s where you’re losing prospective clients.

The back door is all your external and internal links on your web page. Just as you wouldn’t want strangers roaming around your house when you’re not there, you don’t want website visitors clicking here, there, and everywhere if you are trying to turn them into leads.

I thought I was so smart building a full-blown website because I made every page on the site a lead capture page. Yay, Dave, you’re a genius!

Not really.

My opt-in rate on that souped-up site was okay, but it was nowhere near what it could have been if there were no links, and the only thing visitors could do was give me their contact info.

My opt-in skyrocketed when I reDEEsigned my lead capture pages, which included no external links. Think about it, I got the same amount of traffic but waaaaay more leads. That’s a pretty cool deal.

If you’d like similar results, I’ll show you how in September’s Inner Sanctum Sales & Marketing Letter. We go deep into the lead capture page DEEsign and its psychology. There is much more to effective lead capture pages than meets the eye.

The deadline to get in on all of the goodness in a few days.

Here’s the link:


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “September’s Newsletter Is Dope” Dee






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