Sex Pistols Sales Secrets

I’m not sure if you were even around in the ’70s, but I remember vividly when the Sex Pistols came to the United States. It was a major news story. Adults were appalled, dare I say frightened, by Johnny Rotten and the boys.

Those same adults failed to remember how their parents were shocked when Elvis shook his hips on the Ed Sullivan Show. Many older folks thought the end of Western civilization was near when both Elvis and the Pistols hit the scene.

That is precisely the sales and marketing genius of the Sex Pistols and any band that caused an uproar amongst groups of people who are not their target market AND are considered the “enemy” of their target market.

The Sex Pistols knew who their target market was and who their target market was not, and did everything possible to appeal only to the people in their target market and, by doing so, alienate everyone else. By pissing off the “enemy” of their target market, they endeared themselves and deepened their relationship with their tribe.

Now, I’m not telling you to become controversial and outrageous, but the principle of making your marketing appeal exclusively to the people you want to attract and at the same time, repel everyone else is rock solid. In addition, selling against the enemy of the people in your target market is a surefire way to increase sales.

And remember, when you attract higher-quality leads, you close more sales.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “I Don’t Want A Holiday In The Sun” Dee






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