Here’s a true story that will boil your blood to start the week.
I wrote an email campaign for a significant corporate client to get their ideal prospects to attend an online recruitment meeting.
I wrote them DEEmail style and followed my system. I’ve revealed it multiple times, but very few people follow it. Fundamentally, you write one core email and send it to your entire list four times, only changing the openings of the emails.
The campaign was a smash hit and eclipsed their previous campaigns by more than four times their in-house marketing department’s results. So that’s a huge success. Right?
You see, the corporate folks didn’t like my *style.* They wanted my emails to “look like they came from a Madison Avenue firm.”
Choosing “style” over “results” is idiocy, plain and simple. Heck, it’s no wonder the marketing materials the “home office” gives to their salespeople don’t work either.
By the way, lest you think that only “big dumb companies” make decisions that way, you’d be wrong. I get emails, typically from people with a bunch of alphabet letters after their name, who tell me they can’t use my marketing style because it isn’t “professional.”
Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but the results don’t lie. What they’re doing isn’t working, while many DEEciples in the same industry are killing it by following my wily ways.
There’s a saying in NLP that states, “If what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else; *anything* else.” What *doesn’t* follow is, “When you find something that works far better than what you’ve been doing, go back to what didn’t work for you.”
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave “Results. Rule. Period.”