Q&A That Could Make You A Fortune

I receive a lot of questions from subscribers, and naturally, I can’t answer them all, but I picked out a handful that you should know the answers to because they’ll help you put more DEEnero in your coffers.

So with any further ado…

Q: What’s the best way to structure content and give some info away but also hold some back and have a clean transition to a close?

A: Awesome question. I teach several ways to do this, but one of the best is to tell people what to do but not how to do it. By the way, this gives valuable content because most people don’t even know what to do, which is the starting point. A simple transition to the close is, “Now you’re probably wondering, ‘How can I get this done?'”.

Q: Do you memorize every sentence in a presentation?

A: The short answer is “no.” However, I memorize the opening and the closing nearly word for word. Both are mission-critical to the success of your presentation. In a perfect world, I would memorize a complete script, word for word. But there simply isn’t enough time in my selling situations, AND many of my presentations are one-offs. Later this week, I’ll give you the method to practice and rehearse your sales presentations.

Q: Where can I learn how to create sales presentations you do?

A. You can join my free Facebook group. It contains lots of valuable tips. If you’re SERIOUS about creating a presentation and not just learning how to do it, you should enroll in my six-week program starting at the end of the month. Email me with “One-To-Many” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details.

Q: How much content per slide is on a webinar?

A: Seriously, good question. Whether it’s a webinar or an in-person presentation, you want more images than words on your slides. Images convey emotions. The old, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is especially true here. I like to have no more than three bullet points per slide. This is not a rule set in stone, though. Depending on the slide, I might have more words, BUT the key takeaway is to have more pictures and fewer words.

Kick butt, make mucho “DEEnero!”

Dave “Dear Abby” Dee

PS: I have a small group workshop starting Monday… We’ll spend six weeks creating a complete evergreen client attraction machine that includes a one-to-many sales presentation at its engine.

Would you like to join us?

Just send me an email to dave@davedee.com and put “One-To-Many” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details 🙂






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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