Five weeks.
That’s how long Kalia and I will be in Thailand, starting on New Year’s Eve. And let me tell you—packing for a five-week trip has been a process.
We are attempting to take a minimalist approach to packing, focusing on what’s essential because we can’t take everything.
That same principle applies when you’re in a consultation with a prospect.
Too many people “overpack” their consultations, bombarding prospects with every feature, benefit, and detail of their service. They think if they don’t mention every little thing, the prospect won’t see the value.
But just like packing for a trip, less is more.
When it comes to closing the sale, focus on what’s essential. What problem are they facing, and how can you solve it? What outcome are they dreaming of, and how will you deliver it?
Strip away the extras and get to the heart of the matter.
Here’s something I’ve learned: The more concise and focused your conversation, the more confident your prospect feels. And confidence is what gets them to say, “Yes, I’m in.”
Packing for Thailand meant making tough decisions about what to leave behind. But in the end, it’s freeing. I know I’ll have exactly what I need and nothing more.
Your consultations should feel the same way—for you and your prospect.
So, the next time you sit down with a lead, channel your inner packing ninja. Keep it simple. Stay focused. And close the sale.
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero,
Dave “Travel Light, Sell Strong” Dee
P.S. To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here: