“One-Question Trick” That Turns Casual Chats Into Consultations

Ever had a casual chat with a prospect where everything seemed great, but when booking a consultation… crickets?

It’s like they’re interested, but just not there yet. Frustrating, right?

Let me share a little secret: I used to flip that switch and get them booking consultations faster than you can say, “DEEnero!”

Here’s the magic: Ask one simple question—but ask it at the right moment. Ready? Here it is:

“What’s stopping you from [solving their problem] right now?”

Boom. That’s it. That one question opens the floodgates. Why? Because it gets prospects to reveal the roadblock that’s holding them back.

And once they tell you that, you can offer the solution. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Listen first: Don’t ask the question right away. Let them talk about their struggles and challenges and why they’re not where they want to be.
  2. Drop the question: When they’ve opened up, casually ask, “What’s stopping you from [losing that weight, scaling your business, etc.] right now?” This gets them to confront the real issue: money, fear, or something else.
  3. Offer the solution: Once they’ve identified their obstacle, show them how you can help them overcome it. This is your golden opportunity to suggest a consultation and move the conversation forward.

Next thing you know, they’re booking a call to discuss how you can help them overcome that roadblock. It’s simple and effective, and it works every time like magic.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave ”Questions Are The Answer” Dee

P.S. If you want actionable tips on getting more appointments with quality leads, Join my 5-minute Daily DEEmail list and get a free digital copy of my premium print newsletter. www.davedee.com






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