New Free Mini-Course For Radical Sales Results

I was talking to a super-smart friend of mine a couple of weeks ago, and he said:

“You know, Dave, almost everyone already understands that public speaking is one of the best ways to sell products and services. I love your stuff, but I think you’re spending too much time trying to convince people they should speak to sell and not addressing the biggest reason why people aren’t doing it or why those people who are doing it aren’t getting the results they should be.”

Intrigued, I asked him what he thought the biggest reason was, and he said, “Confidence.”

Wow. How come I didn’t think of that?

That fact is that public speaking is one of the top fears people have. And most entrepreneurs who do get in front of an in-person or virtual audience don’t exude confidence. (They might think they’re confident, but they don’t PROJECT that to the audience.)

Your confidence as a speaker is a hidden ingredient to selling more products or getting more people to schedule appointments with you in droves after you speak.

Note that I didn’t say your competence to deliver on the promises you made during your presentation. It should be a given that you are competent and confident about helping your clients. I’m referring to your confidence as a speaker.

The more confident you are when speaking, the more confidence your audience will have that you are the person to help them solve their problems.

Read that last sentence again. I’ll wait.




In this week’s DEEmail, I’ll give you practical, applicable, and some esoteric techniques for taking your confidence to a much higher level, so if you’ve always wanted to speak to sell, any trepidation you might feel will melt away. If you’re already speaking to sell, you’ll send your confidence and results through the roof.

We start tomorrow.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “To Your Confidence” Dee

P.S. If you already KNOW you want to speak to sell or want to MASTER it, the live webinar I’m doing tomorrow at 5:00 pm ET is right up your ally because I’ll show you how to sell more of your products or services in 75 minutes than you now do all month. If you haven’t done so yet, you can save your spot here.






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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