Machete Marketing

Do you remember when the original Friday the 13th hit theaters?

Even though I’m a horror movie aficionado, I didn’t love it—or the follow-up films.

After getting the bejeebus scared out of me and being disturbed by Leatherface wielding a chainsaw in the classic Texas Chainsaw Massacre, someone in a goalie mask and a machete didn’t do much for me.

But here’s the thing – while the machete didn’t make Jason the most terrifying villain for me, in marketing, a machete is exactly what you need—strategies that cut through the noise and get your best prospects to schedule appointments with you.

The problemo is it’s easy to get lost in all the tactics, platforms, and so-called strategies that don’t move the needle.

Machete marketing focuses on cutting away all the distractions and zeroing in on the fundamentals of direct response marketing.

You can slice through the noise by creating a precise message-to-market match and delivering that message through the media your prospects already use.

You can hack your way to more leads by building a streamlined lead generation system that gets your ideal prospects—those ready, willing, and able to pay you—to schedule appointments immediately, while following up with the rest so they choose you when they’re ready to solve their problem.

Without enough quality leads, your business can quickly become a horror show.

I’m thinking about opening up Supreme Lead Machine with more interaction with me. Let me know if you’re interested.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Happy Friday The 13th” Dee






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