Lost In Space

Are you old enough to remember the original “Lost In Space” television show?

The plot was straightforward. The Robinson family was, well, lost in space. It was kind of a comedy mixed with light drama. I don’t remember loving it as a kid. Even back then, I wasn’t a sci-fi fan. At the risk of offending, I wasn’t into Star Trek either.

While being lost doesn’t sound fun, whether in space or on Earth, what also isn’t fun is having potential clients lost on the Internet.

(A weak transition, for sure. But, hey, it’s Sunday.)

Seriously. Imagine if more people who visited your website became leads instead of floating away to a competitor’s site searching for answers to their problems.

There is a way to make that happen, and by doing so, you can increase your profits without spending more money on advertising. Having the same ad spend but getting more clients seems like a good deal, doesn’t it?

Here are the steps to making that happen:

  1. Don’t drive paid traffic to your main “vanity” website.
  2. Set up lead capture pages for paid traffic.
  3. Offer valuable information in exchange for collecting contact information.
  4. Add lead capture elements to your core website so visitors you get organically are more prone to give you their contact information.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll talk about each of those four steps.

In September’s “Inner Sanctum Sales & Marketing Letter,” I do a very deep dive into lead capture pages and give members a lead capture page template that can as much as triple how many leads they get – again, without spending additional money on advertising.

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Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Flinstones Rocked” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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