Let’s Do The Twister

Kalia and I watched the movie “Twisters” over the weekend.

She loved it, and I dozed off a couple of times.

My problemo with the flick was that it seemed as if the same scene was repeated. A tornado is spotted, people get in their pick-up trucks to chase it, and all hell breaks loose. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. The only thing that changed was the strength of the twister.

The other issue I had was there was no character development, and, as a result, I didn’t care about them. That’s a crucial element in that type of movie, so the audience is invested in what happens to the characters.

“Character” development is also important in your marketing, especially when speaking or doing webinars and via email.

You want to let the audience (your prospects) know who you are and why you do what you do. You want to let them in on your life so they feel that they know you. When that happens, getting new clients becomes easier because people buy from people they know, like, and trust.

If you’ve been a DEEmail subscriber for any time, I’d bet you know a lot about me. Even more than you think or want to know! That’s by design, not by chance.

Naturally, you also relate who you are with and how you can help your prospects solve their problems. Most of your communication should be about your prospect’s needs and desired outcomes and not about you. Please note that I didn’t say your communication should mostly be about your products or services.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here: www.davedee.com/vip.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Popcorn Was Good” Dee






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