Kamala’s Problem

Let’s keep the fun going with another non-political post about a politician.

Last week, I critiqued President Trump’s debate performance as an object lesson on improving your one-to-many selling skills.

Today, we’ll do the same with the V.P.

As before, I’m ignoring policy and personal feelings and focusing on the delivery of her “sales” message.

In a nutshell, she over-rehearsed and came across as reciting lines instead of speaking extemporaneously and from the heart. Even if she believes in her message, she doesn’t appear sincere.

If you examine the debate, you’ll see that her facial expressions and gestures almost looked pre-planned. At one point, she uses an excellent technique of gesturing toward and glancing at Trump when making a negative comment, essentially linking the negative to him. The problem was that it looked pre-planned and unnatural, thus robbing the anchoring technique of its power.

It’s important to remember that a tactic known is a tactic blown.

Every top entertainer who stands on stage is well-rehearsed. They’re working from a memorized script. Their gestures are pre-planned, as are many of their “ad-libs.” But whether it’s their first show or their hundredth, it doesn’t feel like they are reciting lines. Their delivery sounds fresh.

Trump was underprepared and appeared to be winging it.

Harris was overprepared and appeared to be delivering memorized lines.

The best combination for selling from a virtual or in-person stage is to be well-rehearsed but deliver your script as if you’re doing it for the first time.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Debate Whisperer” Dee

P.S. To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here: www.davedee.com/vip.






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