It’s not working, and I’m pissed

I created a custom micro-webinar funnel I sold to a client’s coaching group a few months ago.

Some buyers immediately said the funnel wasn’t working. That upset me because I always want people to get results.

We discovered that the opt-in rate for this specific funnel was 8%, which was excellent. It might surprise you that I say 8% is excellent, but there’s more to the story.

The topic of the micro-webinar was highly sensitive. When a lead gave their contact information, they admitted they had an embarrassing problem. If I hadn’t carefully designed the lead capture page, the opt-in rate could have been much lower or higher.


Yes, I could have created a landing page to get more people to give us their contact info, but we were only looking for people with a specific problem who met certain financial qualifications. We weren’t trying to see how many leads we could get. The goal was to get quality leads.

Fast forward to yesterday.

My client reported that one of the members who told him the micro-webinar funnel wasn’t working is now singing its praises. Because of it, he has closed four high-ticket clients, with another pending. The funnel is working for others as well.

There are three important points.

  1. The opt-in rate is important but not the be-all and end-all. Your lead capture page should convert as many quality visitors into leads as possible while dissuading unqualified people from doing so.
  2. Give your marketing time to work. One of the reasons people thought the funnel wasn’t working was that they didn’t give it enough time to produce results. (The other bigger issue was that the business owners weren’t sufficiently following up with their quality leads.)
  3. As an Inner Sanctum member, you receive a monthly print newsletter with strategies and tactics for generating more high-quality leads to schedule appointments and converting them into clients. You also receive coaching from me every month. I’ll happily analyze your lead capture pages during our Ask Me Anything coaching session next month and show you how to improve them.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Let’s Get YOU Results” Dee






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