Is this destroying your sales?

Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I did a small group workshop in Florida where I guided the attendees through creating killer one-to-many presentations they could deliver on stage or online. (One guy commented, “Not only did I create the presentation, but a new business!)

During the event, we talked about a big mistake people make when speaking to sell that might be costing them sales.

That mistake is teaching content and then saying, “Oh, by the way, I’ve got this thing to sell you.” Huge error, kemosabe.

The belief is that if you give a ton of great content, people will naturally want what you have to sell them. Sounds logical, but it ain’t the fact, Jack. The “content” portion of your presentation needs to instill a deep desire in your audience for what you are selling. THAT is its purpose. Your content should make them crave more. It should create a powerful itch that only buying your product can scratch.

This is where “the move the free line” crowd misses the boat too. They tell you to give away your best stuff, and that will make people buy your product. The ONLY way that works is if the content you’re giving away is designed to create DESIRE in your audience and a powerful NEED, a PRESSURE to learn more. It’s NOT about simply giving away great information.

So, how do you give content that moves the sale forward? I’ll tell you that tomorrow.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The King Of One To Many Selling” Dee

P.S. I might do one more speak to sell in-person small workshop in December. If you want to get on the early-bird list and get the details before anyone else, reply to this email and change the subject line to “December Workshop.”






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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