Hulk Hogan sales secrets

Fresh out of college, I got a job at a radio station in Northampton, MA.

I got some on-air time, but my job was promotions director. Then I realized that the people who were treated the best and who made the most money were the account executives.

The WWF (now the WWE) was coming to town, and I was a wrestling fan, so I took the initiative, called the corporate offices, and convinced the company to advertise on our station.

Man, I was elated! I told the sales manager, and he was also thrilled. Before I knew it, I was in the sales department.

And that is when it started going downhill.

I had no sales training. Walking into businesses cold and trying to get the owner to buy advertising time was terrifying. And I sucked at it.

One of the things that made it a horrible experience was that I dreaded getting the objection, “Radio advertising doesn’t work.” I prayed that the business owner didn’t say that, but many did, and I didn’t have a good answer. I never had the same answer twice.

There are two important lessons to glean from my tale of woe:

First, you need to create a list of ALL objections your prospects could have and script out the answers to them. That is fundamental to selling, but the question is, have you done it?

The second is to answer the objection BEFORE your prospect raises it. Yeah, mon. That’s was a pro does.

By the way, it doesn’t matter what form of selling you’re engaged in. For example, suppose you’re selling from the platform, on a webinar, in a video, with a sales letter, or belly-to-belly. In that case, create a list of all possible objections and then weave the answers to those objections into your presentation.

Do that, and you’ll wallet will become much fatter.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “TV Killed The Radio Star” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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