How not to be awkward

I know you feel the overwhelming joy getting a special edition Saturday DEEmail. 🙂

I’m working overtime to finish the mini-course about structuring one-to-many presentations that convert prospects to appointments with qualified prospects. If you missed any of the previous lessons, you could read them on my blog.

Today, I share with you how to transition smoothly from the content section of your presentation to your close.

You might have seen poor transitions in action. For example, the speaker is rocking and rolling, teaching great stuff, and when it’s time to ask for the sale, he tenses up, his energy changes, the tempo of his voice increases, beads of sweat form on his brow, etc.

Here’s the formula for preventing that from happening to you:

  1. Recap the content of what you just taught the audience. Ensure your recap includes the big lessons you want your audience to remember.
  2. Make a powerful statement that your audience must embrace for them to want to meet with you and inspire them to schedule a meeting. Top tip: Start with “ I hope you get this one thing….” For example, “I hope you get this one thing. An asset-based long-term care plan is the best, no-risk way to ensure that you and your spouse are taken care of in the manner you want when that time arises.”
  3. Tell the audience they have three choices: (1) Do nothing and hope that things change or that the negative thing that could happen doesn’t happen. (2) Try to figure it out on their own. (3) Get your help.
  4. Introduce your solution.

That’s it! Smooth, baby, smooth.

Tomorrow, yes, on Sunday, we’ll cover crafting a close that converts.

Til then…

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Works Hard For The Money” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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