Hit the bricks, pal

In the classic scene from “Glengarry Glen Ross,” one of my favorite movies, where the Alex Baldwin character is giving his “motivational” talk to the sales team, he says,

“You’ve got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money to get those leads…You can’t close the leads you’re given, you can’t close shit, you are shit…”

Now that might be a tad bit harsh. LOL. But, there is a seed of truth of what he says.

Closing is king.

It doesn’t matter how great someone is delivering their service if they don’t consistently turn leads into clients.

Most people who sell professional services are professional hosts instead of professional salespeople.

While it might not be “fair,” the better closer almost always makes more DEEnero even if a competitor is better at service delivery.

The most powerful combination is being awesome at what you do and knowing how to close.

I promise you that if you work on becoming a master of selling, your life and business will change forever.

Starting this month, I’m doing a small group, four-week training that’ll turn you into a master closer and a powerfully influential entrepreneur.

Let me know if you want to join us, and I’ll email you the details.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Coffee is for closers” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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