Great storytelling = more sales

Great storytelling will increase the effectiveness of every sales presentation you do, whether on the platform, on the Internet, or one-on-one.

A big secret for telling compelling sales stories is to spend a lot of time on the STRUGGLE part of your story and less time on the success part of your story. Most speakers do just the opposite. They spend a lot of time talking (bragging?) about their successes and not enough time talking about how it was when times were tough, and things weren’t going their way.

To move people and to sell them, whether you are selling a product, service, or idea, you must get them to relate to you.

To do that, you need to meet them where they are – and most people are either in a place where they’d rather not be (That’s why they are searching for a solution and listening to you.) or they can relate to a time when they too were struggling.

When presenting, discuss how things were for you or your clients before they worked with you and their transformation after working with you.

Dave “Let Me Tell You A Story” Dee

PS: I have a small group workshop starting a week from today… We’ll spend six weeks creating a complete evergreen client attraction machine that includes a one-to-many sales presentation at its engine.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this email and put “One-To-Many” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details 🙂






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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