Get more appointments with qualified leads

Today we’ll wrap up the ole mini-course on how to craft one-to-many sales presentations to make qualified prospects rush to schedule meetings with you faster than the Kardashians schedule appointments for the newest cosmetic surgery procedure.

Because it’s Sunday and brunch is on the horizon, I’m making today’s DEEmail quick and to the point.

Here’s the formula.

  1. Describe who your offer is not for. Your goal is to get qualified prospective clients ready to work with you to schedule appointments and dissuade everyone else.
  2. Talk about the features (logistics) of the meeting. Discuss what happens during the meeting. Describe the benefits of the meeting itself. (Not the benefits of hiring you. The benefits of just meeting with you.)
  3. Give precise instructions about how to schedule time with you. Add in scarcity and make it real. Reiterate the benefits of taking action now instead of waiting. Quickly recap the offer. Repeat the call to action.


And there you have it.

Remember, the purpose of your presentation is to motivate only qualified prospects ready to work with you to schedule appointments.

I’d rather have low conversion numbers from presentation to appointment and only speak to prospects who are ready, willing, and able to buy than fill my calendar with prospects I need to convince to take action.

For example, I did a webinar last week with a client, which over 250 people attended. The offer was for a $100,000 business in a box. I made sure the audience knew that the investment was 100K. I repeated it multiple times. The price was also on the application form.

Over 50 people scheduled appointments to speak with the closer. Granted, that is a huge conversion rate at that price point, but I’m damn good. Truth be told, that is an exceptional result even for me. 🙂

So there you have it, my fine feathered friend. You now have the steps for creating a signature presentation that will get more clients in less time and with less effort.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Enjoy Your Sunday” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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