Cruisin’ On A Thursday Afternoon

Okay, that’s not exactly how the song goes, but it seemed appropriate since today we boarded Silver Sea for a week of first-class cruising.

Before I met Kalia, I rarely took an extended vacation because I was worried about what would happen if I was away from my business.

Guess what?

Everything was fine.

Prospects scheduled appointments while I was away.

Not only that, I came home refreshed, with new ideas and ended up making more DEEnero than I probably would I had if I just “kept my nose to the grindstone.”

Barb, a superstar financial advisor, and Elite Mastermind member doubled her income in a year and took more time off than she ever has.

Today, many business gurus teach you to work, work, work, and then work some more. They wear how many hours they work as a badge of honor.

And yep, some of the net worth dwarfs mine, so if you measure success in life by that, they win.

I’ve structured my business around the lifestyle I desire and help my clients do the same and not the other way around.

To each his or her own.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “I Love My Time Off” Dee






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