Controversial Columbus

So, today’s Columbus Day got me thinking…

First, the controversy surrounding Columbus doesn’t make sense to me.

Second, the dude had guts.

He set out on a mission to find a new route to Asia and stumbled upon something way bigger—the “new world.” Sure, he had no idea what he was really getting into, but he kept moving forward anyway.

And that’s the thing—sometimes, to get more clients, you’ve got to be willing to explore new territory.

Your action step? Try a new approach to get in front of prospects.

Here’s what I mean: If you’ve been sticking to the same methods over and over—whether that’s Facebook ads, cold calling, or emails—it’s time to explore some uncharted waters. Ever thought about speaking at an event, hosting a workshop, or partnering with a complementary business?

Just like Columbus didn’t get where he thought he was going, you might not land exactly where you expected, but the key is this: you’ll discover new prospects, new opportunities, and new ways to get those consultations booked.

Example: If you’re a financial advisor, host a free webinar on “How to Navigate the 2024 Tax Season Without Getting Lost.” Or partner with an estate attorney to reach their clients, too. It’s about finding new routes to reach your audience.

Because sometimes, the best way to get where you want to go is to take a chance and set sail in a new direction.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Happy Columbus Day” Dee

P.S. If you want actionable tips on getting more appointments with quality leads, Join my 5-minute Daily DEEmail list and get a free digital copy of my premium print newsletter.






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