[Closer Confidence Part 1] A Tony Robbins Secret

You’re about to learn how to prepare yourself to deliver a killer presentation.

I learned this technique from Tony Robbins and now use it all the time.

Basically, you do what Tony calls an “incantation” over and over again before you hit the stage.

The difference between an incantation and an “affirmation” is emotion, motion, and energy. With an incantation, you use your body and speak with emotion to get fired up and put you into a great state.

I modified what Tony used so it fits with who I am. After many rewrites, here is what I now use:

“I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to speak from the heart with passion, power, persuasion, conviction, humor, and strength to get these people, who I love and respect to take action now and change their lives!”

I wrote my incantation on a little piece of paper and carried it in my pocket. Before I step onto the stage or do a webinar, I read this with passion and movement. I engaged my physiology and not just my mind.

You might think this sounds corny, but I can tell you it works.

Create your own and use it. You’ll close more sales.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Mr. Incantation” Dee

P.S. If you already KNOW you want to speak to sell or want to MASTER it, the live webinar I’m doing TODAY at 5:00 pm ET is right up your ally because I’ll show you how to sell more of your products or services in 75 minutes than you now do all month. If you haven’t done so yet, you can save your spot here.






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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