My brilliant advice after mucho vino

Yesterday, at a wine tasting in Carmel, I gave some sage advice to the proprietor about how she could fix a problem she had with some of the bottles.

The problemo the owner had was she didn’t buy enough labels for all the new bottles of wine she had made. The Pino inside the bottles was outstanding, but the bottles were just plain Jane.

I thought about it for a minute and then told her she should make these bottles of wine special collector’s editions by autographing the outside of them and putting the date on them. This would make bottles of wine unique and, as a result, she could charge MORE for them.

What’s cool though is that she is having a charity fundraiser next month and is going to sell them at the event and donate all the proceeds.

Here’s the lesson: How you position what you do, and your offers make a substantial impact on your results.

Think about what you can do, to enhance your positioning and by doing so, increase your sales.

Remember: It only takes one great presentation!

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Wine Lover” Dee

P.S. Another great way to increase your sales is to improve your presentation. Download my “7 Figure Sales Presentation Template” and learn how. Click here.






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