B.S. Or Truth?

Is it really possible to make more DEEnero and work less?

Yes, but these elements need to be in place:

  • You need to be exceptional at what you do and help your clients get amazing results.
  • You need to be positioned as the #1 choice in your market and not just another provider of a service.
  • You need to have a consistent flow of high-quality leads on your calendar. (Please note the words “high-quality.” If you’re wasting time talking to low-quality leads, you’ll never work less and make more.)
  • You need to have a system for closing sales. (If you waste opportunities to turn prospects into clients because you don’t know how to sell, it’s impossible to work less and profit more.)
  • You need systems in place for all of the major functions of your business. These don’t need to be complicated, but you can’t always reinvent the wheel.
  • You need to follow the mantra “Who, not how.” Whether you have employees or an outsourced team, you need talented people to help you.
  • You need to charge premium prices. Sure, you can make more DEEnero by getting more clients, but that means more work for you (unless other people are doing the work). When you charge premium prices and deliver a premium service, you can work less and make more.

Is this easy?

No. Not at all.

Is it worth it?

You need to answer that question.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder,  go here:


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Work Less, Make More” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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